<< DevOps - 2013 in review >>

Created by Paul Czarkowski / @pczarkowski

We learned that DevOps is more than
giving root to developers.


alias devops=sudo # devops	


We fought a valiant battle with ruby

and we lost

$ sudo gem install nokigiri
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
ERROR:  Error installing nokogiri:
  ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

        /Users/xzxx/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p429/bin/ruby extconf.rb
Extracting libxml2-2.8.0.tar.gz into tmp/x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0/ports/libxml2/2.8.0... OK
Running 'configure' for libxml2 2.8.0... OK
Running 'compile' for libxml2 2.8.0... OK
Running 'install' for libxml2 2.8.0... OK
Activating libxml2 2.8.0 (from /Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p429/gems/nokogiri-1.6.0/ports/x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0/libxml2/2.8.0)...
Extracting libxslt-1.1.26.tar.gz into tmp/x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0/ports/libxslt/1.1.26... OK
Running 'configure' for libxslt 1.1.26... OK
Running 'compile' for libxslt 1.1.26... OK
Running 'install' for libxslt 1.1.26... OK
Activating libxslt 1.1.26 (from /Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p429/gems/nokogiri-1.6.0/ports/x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0/libxslt/1.1.26)...
checking for libxml/parser.h... *** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of
necessary libraries and/or headers.  Check the mkmf.log file for more
details.  You may need configuration options.

So Opscode made Omnibus and we fought back


We learned that devops is more than just

Losing Sight of DevOps in an Automation Forest

But not for lack of trying

We were reminded that...

Devops is about inclusiveness

"I just wanted to point out that your dick joke, which I’m quite certain isn’t intended to be malicious in any way, doesn’t do anything whatsoever to help the gender diversity problem that we have in technology, and most especially in technical operations."

Mark Imbriaco - Devops Mailling list


We were reminded that...

"There is no talent shortage"


Recruiters went full retard

  • http://shit-recruiters-say.tumblr.com
  • https://twitter.com/recruiterbro
  • https://twitter.com/shitrecruiters

Recruiters went full retard



The Puppet Vs Chef war was won...

Just Kidding! There is no war.

We shaved a metric fuckton of yaks

We were reminded that you can't
buy a devops!

But you can certainly sell one!

  • http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/devops/
  • http://www.collab.net/HP/DevOps
  • http://www.rackspace.com/devops/

We learned what DevOps really means

"Devops means giving a shit about your job enough to not pass the buck. Devops means giving a shit about your job enough to want to learn all the parts and not just your little world."
- http://blog.lusis.org/blog/2013/06/04/devops-the-title-match/

We learned what DevOps really means

"Devops means working to continuously improve yourself and your sphere of influence"
- Me ... just now.

We learned what DevOps really means

DevOps = Dev + Ops + Business

Nathan Harvey told us to
"Quit Your Job!"


Those of us that took that advice prospered!

We learned how to save an ailing auto-parts retailer

and we swore to never again be a `Brent`

We learned that there's no such
person as a DevOp

"When you are the Head of DevOps, you 'own' DevOps. If DevOps fails, it is your failure, when it should be a failure of the entire company to change, adapt, and accept the cultural shift."


We learned that there's no such
person as a DevOp

DevOps Engineer SysAdmin
DevOps Team SysAdmin Team
Director of Devops Washed up SysAdmin
Devops Consultant Cash Cow

Chrome Extenstion that replaces 'devops' with 'sysadmin'